March 18th, 2024
Finance Options clay banks yWla5dgcdMY unsplash 1

Financing Options Available and Credit Card Payments Accepted

A new roof on your home these days could cost upwards of $20,000 or more. Nobody has that kind of money just laying around, at least not during high inflation. If you are faced with replacing your roof and you simply do not have the money or access to funds, a roofing contractor that accepts alternative payments may be of assistance to you.

We Take Credit Cards

Not everyone has a credit card with a sky-high limit either, but we can take payments across several credit cards. However you split up the payments, we can help you get close to the full amount you would owe for your new roof. We can also take half of the estimated cost down on the roof replacement on your credit cards, and then take the rest later in whatever way you decide to pay.

We Offer Financing Options Too

Not every roofing company and roofing contractor offers its customers a financing option. Yet, we understand how difficult it is to cover this major expense. It’s why we have found financing options that work for us and for our customers too. At the time we create your roof replacement estimate, ask about our roof financing plans. Our contractor will explain them to you and provide you with what you need to apply for financing if you choose to have your roof done by us.

Most of the financing options work like a loan. You repay the amount borrowed to replace your roof over time with monthly payments. There are a couple of different programs we offer so that you can choose the one that suits your financial situation best. Read over the contracts before you sign so you understand exactly how the financing program works. If you have any more questions, just ask.